Identifying a Blockage
Ever have that feeling, that something is not quite right, off or a feeling of being stuck? This could be because of a blockage in a particular area. A blockage is concept and behavior pattern that works against you.
Reviewing the blockage in your personal history
As your counselor and working with Spirit, I will review the timeline in this lifetime and identify key times when the blockage being reviewed has been at work in your life. Many times the concepts involved in the blockage were integrated into your belief system in the first seven years of life - oftentimes through a parent.
Practical Steps Included!
With my assistance you will be able to identify the ongoing pattern - it is just a habit ready to be released. This is a powerful way to identify and release the block. Understanding your life experiences, I will guide you in finding your solutions to replace the pattern which will lead to a positive life. Most people have more than one blockage and this profile will help identify the one you are working with at this time.
Blockage Discovery Profile
The Orientation Profile is a prerequisite for this profile. The orientation profile provides background information necessary to get the most benefits from the Blockage Profile.